Guidance, Therapy & Healing
Guidance, Therapy & Healing provides support for people who are in need to release any physical, mental and emotional holding as an outcome of personal or professional challenges.
Call now on: 07816 219543
My name is Hannah and I am the creator of Guidance, Therapy & Healing. I qualified in Dance Movement Psychotherapy in 2010 and trained further in 2015 to support people who have issues in their places of work. To give a greater insight into what I offer, I help people with any feelings that may be having a negative impact on their lives. Working with people in this area for 12 years, I have come to understand that, life experiences that have yet to be faced, can affect individuals in different ways. For some, it can cause physical limitations such as headaches, tension in the body, tiredness. Others it can result in struggles with anxiety, depression, or a break down in relationships. Sadly the list is endless.... Often the cause of these physical and mental struggles are avoided, as they are just too painful to talk about. I can provide you with another way forward... By following your lead, I will provide you with a range of resources that best suit your needs on the day, because of the way we feel about things, change all the time. I can offer you music so you can shake out those uncomfortable feelings. Or pens and pencils so you can scribble across reams of paper. Or I can just give you some quiet space to be mindful about your future with a cup of tea. Be it a personal or professional need, I will be alongside you to guide and heal you, into a greater sense of health and well-being.